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  • Writer's pictureAlesia Marozova

55 Most Popular Blog Examples You Need to Check Out for Inspiration

A blog is a website or page that is a part of a larger website. Typically, it features articles written in a conversational style with accompanying pictures or videos.

Blogging is a fun and flexible way for self-expression and social connection, so it is no wonder blogs have become very popular. In addition, people can start blogging to improve their writing skills or even promote their businesses.

Furthermore, a professional blogger can even make money from blogging in various ways, such as Google ads and Amazon affiliate links. Profitable blogs can be of any topic. Think of any subject, and there is probably already a successful blog about it.

If there is none, this is where you come in. New bloggers who can find a unique niche to create content about have a higher chance of surviving in the competitive blogging world. Preferably, you should be passionate about or an expert in your blog niche. However, don’t worry if you are having a difficult time pinning down a topic – this article will help you.

We will go through 11 types of blogs spread across various niche industries – tech, lifestyle, beauty and fashion, health and fitness, education, business and marketing, finance and investment, food, travel, photography, and art and design blogs.

We will include five of the best blog examples for each type, discuss each blog example briefly, and highlight what we can learn from the blog. There will be a total of 55 blog examples to draw inspiration from. Without any more delay, let’s begin.

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